Upon reading the info regarding this special, and much needed event, I was so moved that Ralph from the X-MEN crew invited me and other painters to celebrate, and raise money to help their causes, one is to help developed a Urban Hip Hop school for the arts, and the other is for cancer research and development.
There were many people in this event that I have met through my many past art shows, and was delighted to have witness all of these people dancing the night away with the idea in mind to HELP others that need it. How grand! You defiantly could feel it in the air... the energy in this boat ride, as we cruised around New York City. ( p.s. I never been on a legitimate boat ride, beside the ones for South Ferry ).
The experience painting on a moving boat was so unreal! I was sooo excited, even when we left the dock. Someone place in reference how it feels like riding a very slow moving train car. And it did!!! Ha ha
Below are a few photos of the event, and I surely can tell ya it does not show the LOVE, the energy the Joy and excitement I felt that night!
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