One major conversation that I had with Lexi Bella, and myself that occurred this year was very much insightful. We both discovered that we have so much similarities. Similarities such as art and shared birthdays on the same month of April. It had occurs to both of us that we needed to do something special, something fun and memorable. Interestingly enough we both knew many artist that paint live in New York city and thought it would be even great to have them participate in our "Birthday Art Bash", where not only Lexi Bella and myself painting live, but also our art friends, that wanted to participate were scheduled to perform that same day.
What a dynamic night: The following are but a few images that shows some of the fun night that I had with my art friends. I do hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
Below are pictures of the night, and of the many art friends that participated as well. Some of these dynamic art friends, weren't able to paint,neither were they weren't available to be taken pictures, but I will write their names to the list for those that showed up. Many THANK YOU for your presence!
Sylvia Ortiz
Jai Cruz
Stef Eye
Meres One
Dj Mirandom
See One
Ben Angnotti
John Small
Dondi J.
The art battle team: Sean Bono,
Yadira my cousin
Jen One
J.C.(the awsome dude who took these photos)
and the list goes on....

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